Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country

By: Michelle Muller | Pulished on 2023-12-26

The World's First Female President

Iceland's fourth President and first democratically elected female President was Vigdís Finnbogadóttir. She was the world's first female president!


Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country-Trip Advise

Alamy Stock Photo by KEYSTONE Pictures USA


This happened during the 1980 presidential campaign when she ran against three male candidates and won 33.6% of the votes. She was very popular and after four years in office, she was elected again and again in 1988 with 94.6% of the votes!

Iceland's Postal Service Goes Above and Beyond

Because of Iceland's striking landscape and sparse population, the Postal service really has its work cut out for them.


Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country-Trip Advise



As we can imagine, they must get mail like this all the time, with a hand-drawn map.

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