Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild

By: Erica Wagner | Pulished on 2023-12-25

Meat & Greet

Some people work incredibly difficult hours so if they find the time to sit back and relax, they will take it whenever, wherever. This woman was at that point of needing a break and she saw Walmart as the perfect opportunity to take it.


Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild-Trip Advise


What we're still struggling with here is her decision to cover herself with meat inside the fridge. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own decisions and preferences but this one is just exceptionally bizarre. Look, we love meat as much as the next person, but we don't love it enough to pick it up after a human being slept on it.

You Saw Who?! At the Supermarket?!

Michael Jackson is that you? If you were walking past this guy you just might think he had been resurrected. Then you may be wondering what the heck would Michael Jackson be doing in Walmart. Surely he would still be rich enough to shop elsewhere.


Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild-Trip Advise


We hate to break the news to you but it isn’t the late singer, just a crazy lookalike. We started to wonder if this guy impersonates the King of Pop for a living and was just passing through after one of his appearances. Either way, we’re glad someone was able to snap a shot of this guy.

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