18 Things You Didn't Know About Cruising to Antarctica

By: LINDA GARRISON | Pulished on 2024-02-01

You'll See More Than Penguins in Antarctica: Seals

18 Things You Didn't Know About Cruising to Antarctica-Trip AdviseLinda Garrison

Although penguins are usually seen as the 5-star wildlife of Antarctica, most travelers also see several varieties of seals. These lovely creatures are often stretched out on icebergs or lying in the sun. Don't get too close to them, but it's fun to watch them stretch and roll as they nap. Like the penguins, seals are much more agile in the water than on the land.


One animal you won't see in Antarctica is a polar bear. These magnificent hunters are only found in the Arctic polar regions. The largest land-only animal in Antarctica is a tiny insect called the Antarctic midge. If you are lucky on your voyage to Antarctica, you might see one of these, but only if one of the naturalists points it out.

You'll See More than Penguins in Antarctica: Whales

18 Things You Didn't Know About Cruising to Antarctica-Trip AdviseLinda Garrison

It's difficult to beat the number of whales seen on many Alaska cruises, but some humpbacks and other whales migrate to Antarctica for the Austral summer. Travelers from around the world never get tired of watching these giants feed or just cruise around a bay.

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