12 Most Annoying Things You Can Do As A Tourist Abroad

By: Lindsay Cohn | Pulished on 2023-12-15

Being Overly Critical of Food and Culture 

Admittedly, traveling abroad is different. Isn’t that the point? If you wanted more of the same, why not just stay home? There’s no upside in comparing everything you eat, see, and experience to the way things are in the United States and then critiquing based on that very narrow lens. For the love of all things travel, don’t utter the words “I’ve eaten better [insert the country’s] food in [U.S. city].”

Asking for Food Modifications

12 Most Annoying Things You Can Do As A Tourist Abroad-Trip Advise
Unless you’re requesting modifications because of an allergy or dietary restriction, asking for endless changes causes undue stress to people preparing the food. “It’s also rather insensitive to demand alterations to traditional dishes and local cooking styles,” adds Quinn. 

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