Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country

By: Michelle Muller | Pulished on 2023-12-26

So How Safe Is Iceland Really?

We've already mentioned this about Iceland, but exactly how safe is the land of fire and ice in terms of crime?


Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country-Trip Advise

Alamy Stock Photo by Timon Schneider


The year 2017 proved to be the most dangerous year by far in Iceland, the country was completely rocked by an unprecedented number of four murders in total. The number? Four. Yup. In a typical year, there’s an average of 1.6 murders and a very low instance of other violent crimes.

Iceland Had a Peaceful Revolution

It wasn’t reported on much in the international press, but Iceland had quite a (peaceful) revolution back in 2008. This happened when the country’s banking system collapsed, unemployment skyrocketed, and citizens were worried supermarkets would run out of food.


Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country-Trip Advise

Alamy Stock Photo by Bjarki Reyr


Iceland’s people took to the streets peacefully protesting and blocking all traffic around the capital. Eventually, the Prime Minister and former government were forced to resign, and the people wrote themselves a new constitution.

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