8 Air Travel Rights You Didn’t Know You Have

By: BENET WILSON | Pulished on 2024-01-15

Lost Baggage

8 Air Travel Rights You Didn’t Know You Have-Trip Advisesola deo gloria / Getty Images


The basic rule is that if an airline loses your luggage, you will be reimbursed, depending on the type of flight. The maximum reimbursement for U.S.domestic flights is $3,300 and up to $1,742 for international flights (as of 2019).


For international travel not originating in the U.S., the Warsaw Convention applies, which limits liability to approximately $9.07 per pound up to $640 per bag for checked baggage and $400 per customer for unchecked baggage.


Most airlines will also provide basic necessities, like toothpaste and other personal items, to hold you over. You also have the right to ask for reimbursement to buy replacement clothes in case you were traveling for an event.

Damaged Baggage

8 Air Travel Rights You Didn’t Know You Have-Trip AdviseWilfred Y Wong / Getty Images


If your luggage is damaged, go immediately to the airline’s office in the baggage claim area. You will need to file a report and document any issues. It helps if you can submit photos of the luggage before the flight. If the airline is at fault, you can negotiate a settlement to either repair the damage or replace the bag if it can’t be fixed.

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