Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country

By: Michelle Muller | Pulished on 2023-12-26

The Police Service in Iceland

Icelandic Police don’t carry any weapons or firearms. Being responsible for law enforcement throughout the country, the Police have found that they don't need to use weapons like firearms or tasers to carry out their duties.


Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country-Trip Advise



With crime in Iceland being so low and violent crime is mostly nonexistent, Iceland is considered one of the safest countries in the world.

Telephone Directory

Seeing as Icelanders don't have hereditary last names, and the whole culture is on a first-name basis, telephone directories in Iceland list their residents by their first name alphabetically, with no mention of last names. As they don't have them.


Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country-Trip Advise

Getty Image Photo by Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg


Iceland's telephone directories are called the 'white pages phonebook,' and yes, it's a very small book.

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