European Destinations Worth Visiting This Winter

By: TripAdvise | Pulished on 2023-12-01

Menton, France

European Destinations Worth Visiting This Winter-Trip Advise

The Mediterranean city woke up from sleep mode in mid-February, when more than 2,200 lemonheads gather for the Fête du Citron, a carnival prepared for citrus sets. The two-week festival features fireworks displays and a 000-foot-tall lemon sculpture, as well as an elaborate float parade adorned with fruits of honor. If you're looking for a little more welcoming, visit the pastel medieval neighborhood, the Jean Cocteau Museum, the Botanical Gardens (including the National Monument Jardin Serre de la Madone) and Mirazur, home to what many consider to be the best restaurants in the world.


European Destinations Worth Visiting This Winter-Trip Advise

The cold weather didn't put it into hibernation. In December, Edinburgh has a joyous revelry through ice skating, a closed Ferris wheel, and the mandatory mulled wine and holiday markets. At the King's Theatre, watch panto (from "pantomime"), an English winter tradition inspired by fairy tales and musical comedies. New Year is an epic 12-day street party consisting of musical performances, fireworks and dances.

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