Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild

By: Erica Wagner | Pulished on 2023-12-25

Steer Clear of the Video Game Aisle

Because shopping at Walmart isn't weird enough, this guy just decided to spice things up and dress up as Slender Man to go get his new video game. For those of you who still don't know, Slender Man is a fictional, supernatural character that was created as a creepypasta internet meme.


Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild-Trip Advise


And this guy just took it way too seriously. Seriously, buddy, the entertainment section is one of the best parts about going to Walmart, don't block the entire video game aisle by just standing there freaking us out! How do you even ask someone like this to get out of your way?

Goats Have Rights Too

Here's something you don't expect to see in the 'school supplies' section of Walmart. This woman either has insane separation anxiety when it comes to her goats, couldn't leave it alone because she has bigger animals that could eat it, or didn't wear her glasses and took a goat instead of the dog.


Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild-Trip Advise


But weirdness aside, it is pretty cute that she's carrying that little goat around in a baby carrier. And the goat doesn't seem bothered at all. The guy is even carrying around a baby bag with a huge milk container for the goat! Seriously, though, we're used to seeing small dogs carried around like babies, little kids on leashes, and even cats walked around like dogs. But this?!

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