Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild

By: Erica Wagner | Pulished on 2023-12-25

Mascots Shop Too

You can always find the strangest items at Walmart. This funny family decided it would make a great picture to put all these animal heads on their heads and post it online for the world to see. It caught the attention of many. Look how many kids are in the picture!


Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild-Trip Advise


The dad thought it’d make a great holiday Christmas card, but we think it might be better suited for Halloween. To be fair, it is a bit of an odd bunch of masks to choose from. After all, the only thing they have in common is the fact that they're all mammals.

Double Standards

We’re not really sure what is going on here. Some may laugh, and some may be really grossed out. Either way, we were not expecting to see this when this guy lifted up his shirt. As it turns out, this guy’s T-shirt, which reads: “smooth talker, straight shooter,” was not really the reality.


Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild-Trip Advise



In fact, his undergarments suggested quite the contrary. After leaving Walmart to go and pump some gas, he wasn’t leaving much to the imagination, but we can’t help but wonder why he wouldn’t just leave his shirt down. This is a question we never got the answer to.

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