Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild

By: Erica Wagner | Pulished on 2023-12-25

Can't Touch This!

We’re all familiar with the signs on fences and house doors that say, ‘beware of dog’ when the owner wants to warn visitors of their dog’s temperament. Have you ever seen someone make one for a baby? We didn’t until we saw this picture which was mildly surprising considering a baby is highly susceptible to germs and getting sick.


Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild-Trip Advise


Touching a stranger’s baby is not the smartest thing in the world and we strongly advise asking the parents if it’s okay before doing so. In theory, it should go without saying that touching someone else's baby in Walmart, or any public location, for that matter, is extremely wrong. But hey, just in case you didn't realize...

Game Time

Being a kid is so much fun! Life is simple, and you feel carefree without having any responsibilities to worry about. Your parents take care of you day in and day out, and all you really have to do is mind your own business and play with your favorite toys.


Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild-Trip Advise


Sometimes parents want in on the fun too as you can see in this picture. They certainly deserve a break here and there, but you can tell their child is waiting to get in on the fun! At the end of the day, aren't we all just a bunch of kids who age at different paces?

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