Bali’s Top Festivals & Celebrations

By: MICHAEL AQUINO | Pulished on 2023-12-29

Bali’s Top Festivals & Celebrations-Trip AdviseOfferings being carried to Bali temple, Indonesia. Jon Bower/Getty Images

Bali is a rarity in Southeast Asia: a vibrant Hindu-majority community in a region dominated by Islam and Buddhism; a hot tourist commodity where Western and traditionally indigenous ideas sit in a stable yet uneasy balance.

Bali’s holiday calendar represents this paradoxical push-and-pull of traditions and influences on the island: a mix of Hindu and secular celebrations that welcome tourist participation in good faith. When planning your visit to Bali, consult this list and sync up your trip with any of the celebrations below!


Bali’s Top Festivals & Celebrations-Trip AdviseFrank Carter/Lonely Planet Images/Getty Images
Nyepi, the Balinese New Year, is an interesting anomaly as far as traditional New Year celebrations go. Instead of ringing in the New Year with fireworks and noisemakers, the deeply devout Balinese celebrate Nyepi in near-absolute silence.


As the sun sets on the day before Nyepi, Balinese converge on the main crossroad of their respective villages in a raucous celebration known as Pengerupukan, where villagers in Bali carry ogoh-ogoh (monsters) symbolizing evil spirits that burden people's lives.


On the day of Nyepi itself, the Balinese stop all their activities, turn off all lights, refrain from entertainment, and fast the whole day. The silence of Nyepi is supposed to fool evil spirits, who will think the island is uninhabited and leave Bali in peace.


During Nyepi, tourists are requested to stay in their hotels for the whole day. Activity only picks up on the day after Nyepi, the day known as Ngembak Geni, as Balinese meet up to seek forgiveness from each other.


In 2020, Nyepi takes place on March 25.  

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